In it FOR HIM…

Thanks to a perceptive friend I have a note to add to last week’s words, a softer note.  She encouraged me to look at the stages of development in a child and compare them to our maturing process as children of God. Each stage is normal and necessary…    ***A child is helpless and hungry […]

He’s FOR US (an addendum)

Before I move on to the promised post on what it means to exist FOR GOD,  I have to sort out some observations on what it does and does not mean to say that God is ‘for us’.  Drawn from my understanding of Scripture here are my thoughts: What it does not mean… –God has […]

If God is for me…

“Wanting God to be God is very different from wanting God to help us.” (Gulp.) I was arrested by that statement. It followed in the wake of a related question that’s been on my mind lately. Namely, Does God exist for me–to bless me, help me, answer all my questions, provide all my needs (and […]

Reckless Faith or Ruthless Trust?

I’ve been contemplating the topic for this blog for a while. Should I address my mounting frustration with emotional faith… the sort that constantly seeks experiential evidences to affirm God’s presence… Or should I avoid personal remarks and stick with a bland book review of John MacArthur’s book: Reckless Faith, in which he addresses what […]

Truth or Illusion

“The Bear”. It caught my eye in the DVD section of the Library last week. Looked like a refreshing bit of scenic wildlife footage, just the sort of thing I love—reminiscent of Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom” on TV Sunday nights when I was growing up. Yes, this would be just the thing. The caption […]