Voice Overload

(and the Call Waiting that changes everything) **** Lord, I’m a little confused. So many voices give instruction for my path. Obedience is the latest. Just obey—but don’t see His commands as burdensome. T.M. Moore talks about the necessity of fearing God and delighting in His commandments, not seeing them as obsolete. I’m not there […]

Behold, your King!

How did Palm Sunday give way to Good Friday? How do we get so quickly from a boisterous crowd of ardent admirers shouting Hosannas and Blessings to an angry mob chanting “Crucify Him”?! They had hoped He came to deliver them from all their perceived ills– hopeless bodily infirmities as well as their Roman tyrants. […]

Quiet Confidence

HA! Do you ever feel like you’re going around in circles like a kid on a merry-go-round? I’m not referring to the hectic hamster-wheel of life where you run and run but never seem to get anywhere (though I suppose that’s related), but the cycling around of life lessons… Just when you think you’ve learned […]

Do you get the Drift?

Last post I talked about a fellow’s story of his own ‘de-conversion’, in which he describes his experience of ‘being saved’ and then of beginning to doubt the existence of a personal God until every vestige of faith seemed to have crumbled.  He described it as a ‘graceful degradation’. One by one the components underlying […]

High Wind Warning in Effect!

I spent an evening this week listening to a young man’s testimony, but not of the usual sort. This one was a detailed recounting of his own DE-conversion experience. He traced in detail his own descent into unbelief. I’ve never heard anything like it. What went wrong? What were the warning signs he missed? How could […]