A New and Living Way

I have started reading Ezekiel this week. It does not exactly lend itself to ‘devotional’ blogging.  After reading the first six or so chapters I was depressed for the rest of the day.  Hormones maybe, but disturbing reading to be sure.  First there are all these bizarre ‘living creatures’ with wings that turn out to […]

Seeing clearly

I came home from my recent travels to a new pair of glasses, a fresh prescription designed to give greater clarity, reduce eye strain, and help my eyes work together more effectively… I’ve been adjusting now for a week.  Though sharpening my distance vision, this new pair of glasses has significantly reduced my close vision, […]

Has anyone seen the King of the Jews?

Angels heralded the news of His birth. Shepherds came to see Him freshly swaddled. A couple old people in the temple lingered long to cherish the moment of his dedication. Foreign astrologers brought gifts for royalty and bowed in worship. But largely his birth was missed, this one born King of the Jews. Herod was […]